Sometime in Feb of 2009 Pratibha missed her period again. It was exciting for us. Sona is a very sweet girl and we were ready for the next one. A doctor's visit confirmed our hopes and we started planning to welcome the newest addition to our family. Sona was firm that she wanted twins. One boy and one girl. She would call them googoo and gaagaa. Much to Pratibha's relief, the old man above did not listen to Sona and instead, by the fifth month, we came to know that we would be having a girl. Sona took this setback in her stride. She said she'll call the baby googoogaagaa.
Pratibha's pregnancy moved along quickly. Like any other pregnant woman, she suddenly became extra religious and superstitious and, not satisfied with doing poojas and prayers at home, she started attending group prayers (also called kitty parties) with her friends. One day she and Sona were at one such party .. er .. prayer. The apartment in question had its balcony opposite to ours. All of a sudden fire alarms went off in the building that had my apartment in it. The women got onto the balcony and watched with interest as fire trucks and firemen swarmed the building. They cracked jokes about careless people and commented on how eventful the day was turning out to be. It was jolly good fun until they saw a firefighter on the balcony of Pratibha's apartment. That's when they realised where the fire had stared. One burnt kitchen later, we moved to a new apartment.
By the start of the ninth month Pratibha's mother had joined us to help out with the first few months and my responsibilities diminished. Sona was born a month early, but this one seemed to be in no hurry to get out. She was due out on Nov 2. She let us all go to a pumpkin patch on Oct 24th. She let us all go trick or treating on Oct 31st. She even let me go for a game of Badminton on Nov 1st (Now that had Pratibha nervous as, a long time ago, my mom went into labor with me when my dad had stepped out in similar fashion for a game of badminton). If Pratibha had gone into labor I would have suffered a fate worse than Judas, but all was well, and I got away with some freezing looks and tart words.
The night of Nov 1st I had some work in office and I got back at 2 in the morning. At 3 pratibha woke me up saying she was in labor. I din't panic, I was no hack at this. I had read all the books. I had even taken a 1 hour birthing class. I was ready. At the end of this they'll be falling at my feet asking for directions.
"Whats the time between contractions?" I asked trying to sound like one of the doctors in those ubiquitous hospital TV shows
"7 Min's" she replied
"why did you wait so long before telling me" I screamed in panic.
" You came in at 2. I thought I should give you an hour worth of sleep" She said in a voice dripping with sarcasm
"uh .. hmm .. er .. yeah .. thank you"
These wives have turned the trick of throwing it right back at you into a fine art. At 5:30 contractions reached a spacing of 5 Min's. Pratibha's mom had been goading me to take her to the hospital since 3 and finally I obliged. I took her over, they checked her, told us she wasn't even dilated, and sent us back. Now in addition to a wife in labor, I had a livid mother in law. "How could they send you back". "Why cant they admit her" "This never happens in India". I did the most logical thing. "er .. mom .. I got some stuff to do in office .. probably half an hours worth of work. I'll be right back" And I took off. I got home when she had cooled down. At 10:30 I took pratibha back to the hospital. we hung around the grounds, walked a little bit, and when the pain became unbearable, we went in. It's very easy to differentiate the first time and second time mothers. The first time mothers want to experience every aspect of the pregnancy, including the pain. They think that without that the event is not 'complete'. The second time mothers just want to get it over with. This time, as soon as she got admitted, Pratibha asked for the epidural (the injection that kills the pain). It was a long labor. Extended all the way till 6:00 in the evening. Luckily they had monday night football on TV. So I managed. Finally the doctor came in and talked to us about a C section. She said the baby is too big for Pratibha's frame and a normal delivery might not be a good idea. We agreed and, after a delay while we waited for the room to be free, she was rolled into the operating room at 7:30. By 7:45 we had our baby. It would be a another 4 days before she comes home and sees her big sister for the first time (No kids in the ward because of flu fears). That was the toughest four days of Sona's life. She cried every night. But now Megha is home for her sister to love and play with. Googoogaagaa .. we all love you.
Well atleast this time you were present for the delivery!!! improvement... Sona just loves her sister and wants her to grow up soon :)
It was like reading a thriller, was rushing through the lines anxious to find what happens next ;)
But even in pregnancy there can be false alarms? I would have imagined all these years of evolution to have perfected the warning signs at least...
It was so thoughtful of Prathiba to let you sleep for 1 hour even in her discomfort. Bet Sona is showing off her little sister to all who come home. :)
Well written Nishant ... You have covered the whole 8 months and the excitement was maitained till the last line ...
BTW ..which TV shows shows labour ..i remember Friends Showing it thrice once for Phoebe and other time with Rachel and once in the last season for Chandler and Monica's twins ...
Congratulations for the new addition in you family ..the nick name cool googoogaagaa...he he ...
Hope twins plan will be worked out as well ... :- ) ..just kidding ...
I wasnt talking about labor. I meant something like ER. 'cool dude doctor who is never affected by anything' types :D
Nice read it was :)
Hi... I'm Megha... nine years old now, and still playing badminton. I think I was playing it in your tummy, mama. That's why I took so long. i wish I was there for trick-or-treating, and not in mama's tummy.
Well, whaddya know! Now I'm 10! ( and still Megha.)
P.S. Seriously.
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